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These are the "hidden rules" for studying abroad.

Now more and more Chinese students choose to study abroad, but in studying overseas students often encounter such a problem, will make the embarrassment because of cultural differences, sometimes even by overseas people's racial discrimination and personal attacks. Buy certificate buy university diplomas buy college diploma buy high school diploma
Whether in the foreign campus or abroad, there are some people who attack Chinese students.
From Australia university campus on the first day of school, posters, humiliating to China suspected of Asian racial discrimination and the Harvard University admissions news reports, that even then, as a Chinese students to study abroad, it is important to note that these students "hidden rules" life.
Students studying in Singapore, only 985, 211, background of the students have the opportunity to enter the local government set up a public university to study, in addition, the Singapore school will use scholarship benefits such as trying to let the students to continue to work in Singapore after graduation. Buy certificate buy university diplomas buy college diploma buy high school diploma
It has always appealed for racial equality to live abroad, but racial discrimination against asians and Chinese has persisted.
It then university of Singapore can give excellent students a SM (Senior Middle) invitation, namely and Singapore signed a "'ll ", the ministry of education of Singapore and paid for your university, but have to work for 3 ~ 6 years in Singapore after graduation.
If the overseas students receive the invitation, they will pay a huge fine.
International students in Britain must know the "booking rules". Buy certificate buy university diplomas buy college diploma buy high school diploma
Unlike at home, it is important to make an appointment to see a doctor, a haircut, a hairdressing, a pair of glasses, etc.
If you need to cancel an appointment, you must notify the other person 24 hours in advance, otherwise you may have to pay for the cancellation.

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